When I put Turmeric in my Yogurt

            This story is about when my brother and I put turmeric in our yogurt. I woke up one morning and went downstairs to the kitchen, thinking my parents would be there to greet me. Then I looked around and know one seemed to be there. So I sat on my couch and waited until my parents would come downstairs. Know one came except my little brother, Ian. Ian sat on the couch with me for a little while. Then Ian said “ I’m hungry.” So we went to the kitchen and grabbed the yogurt and honey and then I said “ Hey! Where is the cinnamon.” Ian and I started looking for the cinnamon. We looked in the refrigerator, drawers, and cabinets. I looked where we put all the spices and I found cinnamon. So we put some yogurt in two bowls with honey and cinnamon. Then we took it to the table and mixed it together to eat. I thought the yogurt looked a yellowish color, but I did not care so I ate it. I took one bite and I felt sick. My brother on the other hand Ian ate the whole bole and felt just fine. Then my mom came downstairs and saw the yogurt, honey, and cinnamon on the counter. She picked up the cinnamon, and said, “You know this is turmeric, right?” My brother and I were wondering why it tasted so weird. So you don’t do what I did, look on the label before you put cinnamon in your yogurt.